
Fashion is never one-size-fits-all, and that’s where the Kibbe Body Type Test comes in handy. Created by stylist David Kibbe, this tool does more than just define your body as ‘apple’ or ‘pear’ shaped. Instead, it sorts people into one of 13 unique style types for a more detailed understanding of personal style.

These styles are then grouped into five main categories: Dramatics, Naturals, Classics, Romantics, and Gamines, each with its own unique features.

By using the Kibbe Body Type Test, you can discover how to enhance your appearance with style choices that suit your body type. This knowledge helps you create a wardrobe that not only looks great on you but also expresses your individuality.

Understanding the Different Kibbe Archetypes

The Kibbe Body Type Test slots individuals into 13 distinct style types, which are further grouped into five primary style families: Dramatic, Natural, Classic, Romantic, and Gamine. Each of these style types is referred to as a Kibbe archetype, and they all possess unique characteristics that set them apart.


Dramatics are recognized by their pronounced, edgy outlines and tall, vertical shape. They carry a potent, striking appearance with noticeable bone structure. The Soft Dramatic, however, shares these characteristics but also incorporates softer aspects such as voluptuous curves and plumper facial features.


Naturals lean towards blunt and slightly angular lines in their body and facial structures. They often display an easygoing physicality and casual appearance. The Soft Natural retains these features but integrates additional Yin elements for a softer and more rounded aesthetic.


Classics, situated at the midpoint of the Yin-Yang scale, exhibit balanced physical attributes with neither overly sharp nor overly soft features. Subcategories here include the Soft Classic with more Yin influences and the Dramatic Classic with more Yang attributes.


Romantics, predominantly Yin-dominant, showcase rounded lines with full and soft body flesh. They often have delicate facial features exuding femininity. The Theatrical Romantic is similar but introduces slight Yang undercurrents with sharper facial contours or bone structure.


Lastly, Gamines display an interesting mix of Yin and Yang characteristics. Their bodies combine sharp lines (Yang) with rounded shapes (Yin), resulting in a youthful physicality. Subtypes include the Soft Gamine, with more pronounced Yin aspects, and the Flamboyant Gamine, embodying stronger Yang traits.

Identifying your Kibbe archetype involves meticulously examining your physical traits against these archetypes using the Kibbe Body Type Test. While it may seem complex initially, understanding these distinct archetypes can significantly simplify the process.

Taking the Comprehensive Kibbe Body Type Test

Ready to discover your Kibbe archetype? The Kibbe Body Type Test is your key to unlocking this essential aspect of personal style. It’s crucial to approach this test with honesty and objectivity for accurate results.

Preparing for the Test

Before starting, prepare a full-length photograph of yourself in form-fitting attire. This helps provide a clear view of your body structure.

The Three Sections of the Test

The Kibbe Body Type Test comprises three main sections:

  1. Bone Structure: Examine the length of your vertical line, shoulder shape, and the length and shape of arms and legs. Also, take into account hand and foot size.
  2. Body Flesh: Assess your overall body shape, upper torso shape, waistline, hip shape, and flesh on upper arms and thighs.
  3. Facial Features: Analyze your jawline shape, among other facial characteristics.

Once you’ve completed all sections and documented your answers, it’s time to evaluate the results.

Interpreting Your Results

Bear in mind the assessment isn’t for categorizing or constricting you, but to aid in comprehending your distinct style. Your responses will gravitate towards either Yin (gentler, more curved traits) or Yang (precise, more edged traits), assisting in pinpointing your primary archetype.

However, don’t be surprised if some of your answers indicate a secondary archetype. This is common as most people are a blend of two archetypes. Recognizing this can give you even more flexibility in defining your personal style.

As you interpret your results, ignore societal beauty standards or preconceived notions about what looks ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Embrace the body type that emerges from the test; it’s uniquely yours!

A diverse group of stylish silhouettes representing different body types in fashionable attire against a colorful background.

Applying Your Kibbe Body Type in Fashion

Embracing your unique body type is crucial in developing a personal style that not only looks great but also feels authentic. When you understand the nuances of your Kibbe archetype, you can create a wardrobe that celebrates and accentuates your natural shape.

Building a Capsule Wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is a curated collection of essential items that don’t go out of fashion and can be augmented with seasonal pieces. To align your capsule wardrobe with your Kibbe archetype, follow these steps:

  1. Select foundational pieces that match the lines and silhouettes recommended for your body type. For instance, if you’re a Dramatic, focus on structured and tailored garments.
  2. Choose versatile items that can mix and match easily, ensuring they correspond with the aesthetic of your Kibbe type to maintain coherence in your style.
  3. Consider the fit and fabric; these should complement the natural flow or structure of your body, whether it requires draped fabrics or more defined shapes.

Seasonal Color Analysis

The colors you wear play an integral role in enhancing your overall look. Seasonal color analysis helps determine which shades harmonize with your natural coloring. Here’s how you can incorporate it into your fashion choices:

  1. Identify your season—Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter—that aligns with your skin tone, hair color, and eye color.
  2. Integrate these colors into your capsule wardrobe to bring out the best in your complexion and harmonize with the lines of your Kibbe body type.
  3. Use this palette to guide purchases for clothing, accessories, and even makeup to ensure a holistic approach to personal style.

By incorporating both silhouette and color considerations into your fashion choices, you create a cohesive look that showcases the best of what you have to offer.

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